23 October 2012

† Flunked

Servin' up some prep school dropout realness. I love argyle and I've had this sweater for ages. I'll probably wear it until it's falling apart, at which point it'll be grunge, so I can even wear it past then.

I'm saving this outfit for when someone writes the 2024 adaptation of Mean Girls. You know it's gonna happen.

  • spiked headband, Urban Outfitters; everything else is old!

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  1. still love it. love that most of the top half is like I GO TO AN ALL GIRLS PREP SCHOOL and the bottom half is like BUT I LIKE BOYS ON MOTORCYCLES AND ALSO JIM BEAM. well. maybe not motorcycles. vespas???

    i rank this boobage a 7.5, because the boobs in the third are like a 9, but in the first they're more a conservative 6 or so. it is decided.

  2. cool outfit - love your boots!



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<3 Macie